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Sparrow Haven History


When we bought this house in 2005, it was--well--pretty much void of colour in the yard. There was a lone rose bush at the back fence and a few tulips outside the windows in the back (probably planted by the woman who lived there before we bought the house). We couldn't do much with the property at first (cause we bought in December), but we started to plot and plot and plot on what we wanted to do.


We created a quick and dirty map of our plans and went to work the spring of 2006. Since then the map has been thrown out as we've adapted our ideas, but the principle is the same. We have a Natrualized area where we're introudcing very little; a shade garden; a herb garden; a rock garden; cactus bed; Asian garden; fruit garden; vegetable garden; and a pond garden. The rest of the yard is littered with various colourful plants and flowers. You can get a better idea of what's growing and where by clicking on the Photos link.

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